🥗🏋️‍♀️6 WEEK RESET🏋️‍♀️🥗

❓Feeling stuck, like you’re holding yourself back?

❓ You feel like you know what you should eat, 🥦🥕🍗 and know you should exercise, 🏋️‍♂️but can’t seem to stay consistent and get in a routine?

❓You might think that it’s all just too hard and you’re not capable or losing weight? 🤦These thoughts can almost let you off the hook, as if you don’t believe you can change, then why, bother going to the effort of actually trying in the first place? What’s the point of continuing after a setback? 🤷‍♀️

💡 Instead it’s much easier to continue what you’re currently doing, and what you’re most comfortable with so you remain the same and give up. You may even feel a sense of relief that you no longer have to go through the uncomfortable process of trying to change, or to have to face potential failure.

😔 The only problem here is that this temporary relief will soon turn into the familiar discomfort you started with – not being content with where you are currently at. It doesn’t have to be this way, you CAN change. The discomfort of going through change, will be no worse that the discomfort of staying the same. You just need to have the desire, make that choice and commit. 🙋‍♀️

💡 Truth is, it’s also hard to do this on your own.

✅If you are READY to change, and need some direction, support and motivation, join us in our next 6 WEEK RESET CHALLENGE. It’s amazing what is possible in just 6 short weeks, and you WON’T look back! The hardest part is deciding you WANT this enough to get started.

🤔Want to find out more, send us a message, we’d love to chat!

May be an image of 6 people, people standing and text