☸️‘BEHAVIOURAL ACTION’ is the idea of actively choosing to do something that will make you feel better, or benefits your ‘future self’, rather than following what your emotions or desires prefer in the moment. 😔😡

💡There will NEVER be a ‘best time’ to take action. There is no perfect time. The more time you spend hesitating, the more space you create for excuses and therefore time spent not moving towards your goals.

✅If you want to improve your nutrition, start now. YES even in lockdown. You don’t need to be perfect, dive head long in and go on this crazy, strict, unrealistic diet, BUT, YOU CAN start today with small steps towards making healthy choices. 🥗 ENJOY those healthy choices, enjoy the act and sensations of preparing and eating tasty, healthy food, knowing that you ARE taking action, and moving in the direction of your goals. 😊

#goals #healthandfitness #donthesitate #smallsteps #noexcuses #takeaction #reachyourgoals