Want to take a guess at what is the most abused and undervalued joint in the body?…
Well I don’t have any data on that last question/statement, but rest assured if you give me someone with tight, restricted ankles, I can give you someone that struggles to squat and is likely to have a lot of pain further upstream in either the knees, hips or low back.
Anyway, here is a simple little mobility piece from Susan can start to use to help free up those ankles. The secret sauce to this however is actually doing it.
25 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
- 12 DB thrusters (20/15kg)
- 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 18 box step ups (24/20″)
- 300m row
The aim of the game here is to keep moving. Aim to go unbroken as much as possible on the thrusters, but look at breaking up the pull ups in small manageable sets (small sets, short break). As for the step ups and row, just pace these to allow constant movement.
4 rounds
- 500m row
- 30m sled sprint (20/10kg)
- 2 min rest
We’ll be kicking this off in a staggered manner. This is a higher intensity aerobic piece. Hit the rower at a very solid pace, but with just enough in the tank to crush the sled push. Make sure that you earn your 2min rest.