While it’s not official (we’re expecting official word tomorrow morning), lockdown 2.0 is happening and likely to come into effect Thursday morning.

With that in mind, this is no surprise and we’ve been putting the plans in place ready to go. So following are the measures that are coming into effect to help everyone keep their fitness ball rolling;

✅EQUIPMENT LOAN: From 9am to 6pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, members will be able to “borrow” equipment. Just come in, fill out a “loan” form and you’re good to go (I need to stress that forms MUST be filled out)

✅ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT: We’ve made an order for additional fitness equipment (120 sets of suspension straps that can be anchored to anything – even a door and also 150 heart rate monitors specifically for our eZone virtual classes). These should arrive a little later in the week, so we’ll keep you posted once these hit the ground.

✅ CLASSES: Will continue as normal Monday and Tuesday, but as of Wednesday close and remain closed until restrictions ease. Rest easy our VIRTUAL CLASS timetable BEEFS UP 💪💪💪 from Thursday onward. In the coming days we’ll be putting up our new online timetable so keep watching this space as we’ve got some innovations happening that are super exciting. Simply set up your training space, get your tunes ready and we’ll talk you through the process of how to sign in over the coming days.

✅ Thursday the gloves are off, we turn up the fitness dial and capitalise on what is going to be one of the BEST opportunities you will ever have to make significant fitness gains. We fully understand what it means to work from home. We fully understand what it means to home-school. We also fully understand the importance of maintaining a good degree of health and fitness – now more than ever.

✅ 247 Members: we will work with you to develop a home-based training program, you’ll be able to borrow some equipment and you’ll have an accountability coach and nutrition support to make sure you’re tracking towards your goals. Just email info@empowerfit.com.au or message us here to get this sorted. BUT WAIT – THERE’S MORE!!! In addition to all this we’ll be running a daily ‘Open Gym Training Session’ in our Zoom chat room where we’ll have a live gym instructor on the floor. You’ll be able to get training advice and ask any questions.

✅ Personal Training: Much like the classes, this will be online with your personal trainer. The only difference is that the coach will send you their individual link to click on before training.

✅ Nutrition: Business as usual, except catch ups will now be via phone or zoom. Jacinta will be in touch.

Ultimately, we’re here to help, so please reach out if there’s anything you need, but we know you’ve got this👊 – time to make lockdown 2.0 your beatch.