As a collective, we love food – I mean we really love food. One of the team is an incredible chef. Another has a tonne of years working in hospitality and is also married to an incredible chef. The rest of us absolutely love eating.

Despite all of this, there are times in which life becomes a whole lot easier if we go with a simple protein shake to replace or supplement our meals (wherever possible, we encourage eating over drinking you food, but like I said.. life)

With this in mind, here Jacinta spends a few minutes discussing what you should look for when selecting a protein shake if you’re looking for a meal replacement option.



For time.


  • Hang power snatch (50/35kg)
  • Push jerk (same)


  • Double Unders

Time to reiterate our scaling guide – we want you to finish this between 5 to 12 minutes. We will be setting a 14min cut-off (to give you a little extra slack to finish it in). But what this means is that if you’re going to finish under 5 minutes, scale up 60/40 kg and/or go for UB sets of double unders. If you’re not going to make it in under 12 minutes, well look at going lighter and/or scale back to singles.

More than half of the reps are in the 10s and 8s rounds, so watch your pace on these. It will be best if you truly snatch the hang power snatches, as opposed to muscle snatches or pressing it out.  Similarly, use as little arm press, as possible, for the push jerks.  On the 6-4-2 rounds, hustle through the transitions and don’t waste time. Rest in the middle of the sets (vs. between movements.)




For time complete;

  • 2500, 1500, 500m – Airdyne
  • 25, 15, 5 – Box Jumps (24”/20”)

Every minute stop what you’re doing and perform 4 burpees.

With the burpee addition to this one, the game changes. You’re going to have the better part of 20min to get through this, so if the final round is not in sight at the 15min mark, drop the burpees and go for broke. This is redzone all the way.


For time complete;

  • 500, 400, 300, 200, 100m – Airdyne
  • 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 – Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

The kettlebell swings is where the session is at. There are going to be some stallions here that can pull out the full UB set throughout. If that is not you, give some serious thought as to how you’re going to partition this. From a HR perspective, high red on the ride and low red on the swings.


For time complete


  • DB Hang power snatch – perform half on one side then swap (20/15kg)
  • SA DB Front squat – perform half on one side then swap (same)
  • Toes to bar

Embrace the burn here guys. The round of 30 and 24 will be all about sensible pacing and partitioning. ‘The round of 18 is more of a survival thing. Once you get through these rounds, then life will get a whole lot easier as you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.