For a while now, if you’re someone trying to improve your running (not just for fitness sakes), you would have heard myself or one of the coaches discussing the merits of running on the Woodway treadmill as opposed to the traditional treadmill. In this video, we break this down a little further for you to show you why.



For time. 3 Rounds

  • 15 shoulder press (60/40kg)
  • 20 Front squat (same)
  • 25 Kipping pull-ups
  • 1000m row

We’ve allowed a generous 20-28 minutes for this. In other words, scale it so that you will be pushing it to finish in this time. In doing so, we recognise the shoulder press will be slow for many, but that is expected and is not an accident. Do not scale it so that you can complete these in less than 2-3 sets. Make sure you keep them strict and don’t use the legs. Use big sets for everything on the first round, but then break up often on the later rounds. Consider keeping the bar racked and taking short ‘breaks’ at the top of the squats. A squat clean counts as a front squat rep. Be aware of your hands, and break the pull ups to avoid rips. Push the pace on the rows because you will ‘catch your wind’ when trying to grind out the shoulder presses!




15min AMRAP

  • 15 Thrusters (15/10kg)
  • 10 Kipping pull-ups
  • 40m Farmers carry (32/24kg per hand)



10min EMOM

  • Odd: 5 DB Shoulder Press – build to a challenging set of 5
  • Even: 10m Bear Crawl

For time. 5 Rounds

  • 15 Thrusters (15/10kg)
  • 10 Kipping pull-ups
  • 50 Double unders

There’s no escaping the grind in todays Shred and E45 workouts. To really hustle through things, set your sights on breaking up the thrusters to small and manageable sets with a short break between (think 3 sets of 5 reps). Be sensible with the pull up grip, but push things during the farmers carry in Shred and the double unders in E45.