


With everything being so new of late, we figured it was time to give the website a bit of a refresher too.

Moving forward, we’re intending to be diligent in keeping this page updated with all things happening at EmpowerFit (because there really is so much on), so be sure to peruse around, check it all out and come back regularly for updates.


With tomorrow being a public holiday, we have an Empower 45 class is running at 9.15am for the 24/7ers and the CrossFitters can WOD up at 12.15pm.

If you can’t make either of those sessions you’ll still be able to come in and do the workout at any of the usual class times if you’re a CrossFitter or whenever it suits you if you have a 24/7 membership.


For time;

30 power snatches (40/30kg), rest 1 min

Then 3 rounds;

  • 10 Ring dips
  • 15 deadlifts (same as snatches)

We want you to get through this in under 10 minutes. With this in mind, hustle through the snatches in 2-3 minutes (pick a weight that allows you to hit 10 snatches in the minute). The deadlifts are going to be a ‘recovery’ of sorts in between the ring dips. If kipping the dip is in your arsenal, now is a good time to pull it out as we’re wanting you to get through these rounds as close to unbroken as possible. If this is not a possibility (no more than 2 sets on the dips), then scale it back.


Empower45 & Shred

50 Wall Balls (9/7kg), rest 1 min

Then 5 rounds

  • 10 Push Ups
  • 15 KB Swings 24/16kg

Shred and Empower45 are the same session today. If you’re doing Empower45 outside of class time, make sure you check out Beyond the Whiteboard as there’s a nice little EMOM at the start of the session.


30 Cal Row, 1 min rest

Then 5 rounds

  • 10 x 10m Shuttle Run
  • 15 lateral hurdle jumps 6”

If you’re hitting up RedZone, keep tight on the shuttle runs and aim to bound on the lateral hurdles (think the floor is lava). For anyone a little impact wary, do another 4x10m shuttle runs, but do it laterally (sideway shuffle).


  • #prawns #salad #summerdinner #summersalad #healthymeal #deliciousfood #amazingflavours #healthyanddelcious #protein #vegetables
  • consistency
  • habits
  • healthydinner
  • healthyrecipes
  • midweekdinner
  • nutrition
  • progress

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