

💣Something I hear A LOT from nutrition clients is, ‘I’m not making enough progress’. Just because the scale hasn’t moved THIS particular week, or even a couple weeks, it does not mean you’re not making progress.

🍟🍰🍩Yes obviously if you’ve been eating complete trash you can’t expect the scales to move in the right direction, but if you feel you’re eating pretty well, and things haven’t moved, there are going to be some logical reasons for that. There are a lot of factors as to why our weight can fluctuate, and it doesn’t seem to always correspond with our eating behaviours. It’s not normal to lose weight and lose exactly the same amount each week, in fact, it’s NOT NORMAL to NOT have fluctuations.

⚡️There are so many other ways to define and measure progress, and if you are exercising and have improved your nutrition, you WILL be experiencing body composition changes, and these are not always reflective on the scales. PLUS you’ve got to remember over what period 🕦you gained the weight, that you are now wanting to lose.

👇It may not always be on the scale that you’re making progress, there are a number of other ways to track and measure positive change:

• You have more energy throughout the day 🤸

• You are exercising more regularly🏋️‍♂️

• You have a better relationship with food and feel more in control 🍏

• You have learnt to recognize hunger cues and have removed unnecessary snacking 🥨

• Your clothes are fitting more comfortably 👚

• You are feeling less bloated

• Your sleep has improved 🛌

• You are now planning meals, and have set up a structured routine 🍲

• You are much more conscious and aware of ‘healthier’ choices, and eating more nutritious foods, and your body WILL thank you for this!

• Your self-image and confidence has increased

• Your overall mood and outlook has improved


💥Remember there is NO magic pill 💊, shake, or any other quick fix for losing weight, none that works long term anyway. Losing weight, keeping it off and living out a healthy lifestyle is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Learn to enjoy the process and appreciate all the benefits along the way.

❓Let me ask you this, if you are a few kgs above your ‘ideal, goal weight’ in your head, but you look and feel amazing, have a positive mindset and thoughts about food are not consuming you, would you be happy?

➡️ Or is it only when you hit that certain number on the scales that you’re going to be happy.

➡️ Or are you?

➡️ What is it that you truly want and that will truly make you content? The scales are only ONE thing, that tell us one small piece of information.

💥SO, are you making progress? Which measures of positive change above are you experiencing? What others can you add to that list?👇

Need help to start making progress on your training and nutrition goals? Book a free, ‘No Sweat Intro’ on our website to discuss how we can help get you going.


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  • consistency
  • habits
  • healthydinner
  • healthyrecipes
  • midweekdinner
  • nutrition
  • progress

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